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Top 5 Exercise for Back .

As back is one of the biggest muscle in our body , it is hard to make our back big , thick and muscled. So many people normaly do exercise of that body part which is shown like chest , biceps , triceps etc. They just do wide pull ups as there back workout , wide pull ups is one of the best exercise but it is not enough . Back have many muscles which are train in different form of exercises and positions. One of the famous muscle is lats . Lats is also know as Latissimus Dorsi . Every one wants that muscle but they don't know which exercise to do . Because red bull don't gives wings in real you have to do exercises for that.
 So in todays blog i am gonna discuss top 5 exercise for your back

1) Dead lifts :- 

Dead lift is one of the famous and very effective exercise for our lower back. Technically this exercise hits calves to upper traps but it helps grow you big . This exercise increase muscle building hormones. There are various types of deadlifts like Romanian deadlift , sumo deadlift , stiff legged deadlift , the hack deadlift and etc .
To perform this exercise , you just need a bar with plates on it . Then garb a bar with your hands . Keep your head up , back straight and dont bend your knees.
Now standup straight with power of your legs , back and arms . When you are at your top position , squeeze your shoulder blades together.
You can perform this exercise in heavy weights for like 6-8 reps in starting of your back workout or after words with high repetitions.

2) Lat pull-downs :-

This exercise is done on lat pull downs machine. Sit down on machine with your legs under the knee pad. Make sure about setting hight of knee pad according to you. Now grab a bar at the top of pully . There are various types to gripping bar : for wide grip , your hands should be distance wider then your shoulder . For medium grip , your hand should straight to your shoulder and for close grip , your hand should be in inside of your shoulder rage. After that as you bring bar down make sure to inhale, bend your back at 30 degree and your chest should be out . At this position you needto squeeze your shoulder blades together . 
This exercise targets on lats .

3) Bent over Barbell rows :-

This exercise hits Large groups of muscle and lower back equally . All you need is a bar and plates on it. Grab a bar in front of you. Hold the bar in that way in which palm is facing down . By bending your waist , your torso will come forward and keep your knees slightly bend. Keeping your back in straight position until bar gets parallel to floor. Make sure you lift bar with the help of your forarms and keep your head up . This is your starting position in Bent over Barbell row. By keeping this position stationary , breath out and bring bar to you. Squeeze you back as the bar is in top contractiom position. Hold the bar for while, inhale and bring down slowly.
This exercise targets on lats , rear delts , traps , rhomboids and biceps.

4) Seated rows :- 

For this exercise you will need a pully machine and V bar . Holding V bar will make palms facing each other . To get into starting position first you need to set pully low with v bar on it. Then sit down on machine and place your feet on platform which is on machine or on cross bar . Make your to slightly bend your knees. Grab v bar handle . With the help of your arms extending pull back words until your back comes in 90° position to your legs .
Your chest should be out . You will feel stretch on your back while holding  Vbar . Then bring V bar to your abdomen. In this position hold it for some second , breathout and  squeeze you back together .
Slowly go back to original position and inhale. Repeat this as per your repetitions.
This exercise targets on lats, rear deltoids , bigeps , biceps brachialis , trapezius muscle , forarms .

5) Wide grip Pull ups :-

Wide grip pull ups is advance body weight exercise. It increases strength in back, should, biceps . To perform this exercise grap the pull up bar wider then your shoulder . Keep your chest out , creating curvature on you back and torso straight as possible. Breath out and pull your body up until your head is around the bar . Use for arms to just hold the pull up bars. Concentrate on biceps to make the movement . Your elbow should be close to your body and torso should remain stationary . Squeeze your biceps as you are in top of the position .  Hold it for a second and bring your body slowly down in starting position . Now your elbows are straight. Breath in while you are performing this movement. 
Repeat this as per your repetitions. 
This exercise targets on back (lats) , biceps , looke shoulder broad. 

So this are top 5 exercise for your back according to me . This exercise will help to make your baby look back  Big , Thick , Stronger and Wider. Hope you guys will like my todays blog and also share it to others . Thank you .


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