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How to achive goals ?

Achieving Goals? 

Guys there is no short cut to achive goals easily
 but there are some steps to achive it as we want to. So same points are listed below to achive your goals .

1) Write down your goals :-

Guys first of all you should know which goal you
Want to achive . So in here we can make a list like write down your goals so it will be in your mind .

2) Dead line :-

Every thing has its deadline . If you have set a goal to lose 25 kg . This goal should be in limited time . So your goal should have time period . If you set your goal to make $ 90,000  so it should be in year / month or etc . So set goal with time period

3) Skills :-

It is always easy to do work with better skills.
So your goals should be in that way or in that field in which your skills are great . So doing that work you will be comfortable and it will motivate you also. 

4) Mindset :-

Guys if you have set your goal. Your mind should be with you , i mean you should always be aware about what are you doing.

5) Start work :-

You should never wait for time to start your work. You dont have to star your work when every thing is right. Just start you work now. And when you have started your work stop when its done not when you are done. 

6) Reward :-

Guys once your goal is achived reward your self and thoes who help you in that time. It will motivate you to do more and reward when your goal is achived.

Ok guys so above point was about how to achive your goals and for today thats it ;-)

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