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Top 5 Exercise for Shoulder .

Shoulder is that muscle which moves alot and normally people train this muscle but not much enough.
As everybody wants there shoulder broad , bigger , and stronger they do many exercise , either wrong exercise or in wrong form. Doing exercise in perfect form is also important as weights. Proper form gives proper pump and that burn in muscle which helps to grow big and stronger.
Rotator cuff muscle is a small muscle that surround the shoulder joint. For 4 distinct muscles , rotator cuff is common name for them and during motion of shoulder rotator cuff provide strength and stability. This is main muscle to let your shoulder move and extend .
So it is important to train shoulder muscle too.
There are many exercise or work which is done by our shoulder. Exercise like bicep Dumbell curl , deadlift , tricep push down or any exercise of upper body can't be done properly without better shoulder strength .
So heres top 5 exercise best exercise for better strength and big shoulders.

1) Seated Dumbell Shoulder Press :- 

This exercise needs proper balance with two dumbell . There should be proper coordination between two dumbells. This exercise increases strength  and mass in shoulders. This exercise have beated seated barbell shoulder press but if you feel uncomfortable with balancing two dumbells you can perform seated barbell shoulder press. To perform this exercise sit on low back bench and hold dumbell with palms facing down grip on both hands. This is your strating position. Now keep your head straight , back aligned and push dumbell upword direction. Make sure your hands go straight up, don't touch both dumbell on top of the position . Squeeze your shoulder and hold it for second. Them slowly bring dumbell down at starting position . Repeat this according to your repetitions. This exercise targets on anterior , middle deltoids and rear deltoids.

2) Dumbell Lateral Raise :- 

As lateral raise is one of the most popular and most effective exercise , people mostly do this exercise in there shoulder workout plan. This exercise direct hit on middle deltoids. Even if you cheat in last few reps there will be muscle failure . That is because they hit the muscles exactly they intend to function. By best grip for holding dumbell will give more effect on middle deltoids.
To perform this exercise grab dumbell on both hands . Make sure to keep your back straight , abs tight , head straightand shoulder back. Now push dumbell out your width by elbow and arms straight. Squeeze the shoulder at top of the position and hold it for second . Bring dumbell slowly down . Do this movement according to your repetitions.

3) Face Pull :-

This exercise calls middle traps into play . To get beat result from this exercise , do it slowly and focus on your rear deltoids while exercise . This exercise targets on rear deltoids and middle trapezius. In this exercise you can go with heavy weights for direct muscle growth .
To perform this exercise you guys need to set rope on pully station. Select weights in which your body can be balanced and can be performed in proper form. Grab the rope by palms facing each other . Tilt your body at 45 ° angle and you can also take support of setup by one leg on it . This is your strating position. Now pull the rope straight to your face. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold it for second. Now slowly get back into starting position. Do this movement according to your repetitions.

4) Up-Right Row :-

This is weight training exercise.
You can perform this exercise in wide grip also. This is compound exercise include biceps , side deltoids and trapezius. It is better to perform this exercise on smith machine because barbell will be balanced and you will get best results.
To perform this exercise all you need is bar and plates. Put plates on both the side of barbell. Your palms will be facing down in starting position. Pull barbell straight to your face. Squeeze your shoulder and hold it for second. Now slowly get back into your starting position. Do this movement according to your repetitions.

5) One arms Cable Lateral Raise :- 

As the shoulder is small muscle group its very easy to get targeted from small movement. One arms cable lateral raise is isolation exercise so it will hlep to grow big and shaped. Middle deltoids will be majorly traget in this exercise. To perform this exercise all you need is pully and D handle. D handle should be at lower in pully. Place your feet on floor. Grab D handle with one hand with palm facing down. Keep your back and head straight. Now slightly bend your hand and pull your hand up at 90° to your body. Squeeze your shoulder and hold it for second. Now slowly get back into your starting position. Do this movement according to your repetitions.

Ok guys for today thats it hope you guys like it . Share it to other who have problem with shoulder exercise. 


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