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Exercise for Forearms.

Todays blog is gonna be about forearms. As this is small muscle you don't need to train it too much. There are many best and very effective exercise for forearms . This is the muscles which will help you to lift more weights , like in bench press , dumbell press, etc. This muscle is calf of your hand . As calf give you strength in squats and other exercise , forearms also gives strength , grip and you can easily balance weights in bar.

Forearms is muscle which will help you to get better in aesthetic posing also. By failing in forearms exercise it will lead to week grip , week strength and skinny arms. There are many major and many minor muscles in forearms which should be train properly . In most of every upper body exercise, forearms will train but not enough to make them big. Forearms also helps to look like a beast by proper vascularity.

So here are some of the best exercise for forearms. Before that understand grip position :-

1) Reverse Curl :-

Reverse curl is one of the best exercise for forearms which you can do after bicep workout. It will also help to get perfect shape for biceps. For this exercise all you need is a bar and weights. You can take straight bar or EZ bar and for grip you can take middle grip or short grip , it is up to you . So take a bar , put weights on it . Now grab the bar and take grip on it . So you do biceps curl in same way you have to perform reverse curl , the difference is you have to hold the bar opposite . Your palms will face downwards (pronation grip). This is your starting position . Now take the bar all the way up and squeeze forearms , biceps . Hold it for second and slowly get back into starting position. Do this as per your repetitions.

2) Seated Wrist Curls and Reverse Wrist Curl :-

I will explain both exercise because there is just change of grip but both exercise with train different muscles of forearms.

1) Seated Wrist curl is exercise which will give you strength and proper grip. You can perform this exercise on different weights and you can take dumbells or barbell. To perform this exercise seat on bench and grab dumbell in your hands. Rest your forearms on your thighs. With supination grip. Now curl the dumbells by flexing your wrist. Go all the way down and all the way up. Squeeze your forearms as you are in top position and hold it for second . Do this as per your repetitions.

2) Reverse Wrist curl is different exercise but very similar to seat wrist curl. Both exercise are same in position but there is change in girp. You have to take pronation grip to perform this exercise. You can take dumbells or barbell its up to you. This exercise will train upper position of your forearms. You have to do same as wrist curl but with pronation grip. Flex your forearms as you are in top of the position and hold it for second . Do this as per your repetation.

3) Behind the back Wrist Curl :-

Building forearms and wrist will able to lift more weight. So its important to build forearms with proper form and proper exercise. Behind the back wrist curl is one of the best exercise which will provide big and strong forearms. To perform this exercise all you need is barbell and weights. By resting barbell on squat rack will be easy to lift because the barbell should be at level of your hand. Now hold the barbell by hand behind your back. Take grip wider then shoulders. Now curl barbell all the way down with fingers and all the way up by wrist. Squeeze your forearms at the top of position and hold it for second. Do this as per your repetations.

So guys this was top 3 exercise for your forearms. You can train your forearms on Monday, Wednesday , Friday or Tuesday, Thursday , Saturday. For better results train upper muscles of forearms with triceps and lower muscles of forearms with biceps.

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